Overcoming Childhood

Our childhoods have a deep and often seriously troubling impact on our adulthoods; what happened at 5 will still be colouring how things are for us at 55. It’s something we need to learn to adjust to. 如果你喜欢我们的电影, 看看我们的商店 (我们在全球范围内发货): 在家DIY的最佳美甲://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/?utm_source=You%20Tube&utm_medium=YouTube%20video%20description%20-%20shop%20homepage&utm_campaign=YouTube%20video%20description%20-%20shop%20homepage

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Produced in collaboration with Marc Moynihan.
在家DIY的最佳美甲://mmoynihan.tumblr.com/ #TheSchoolOfLife


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