Patronage and the Pantheon (and a request)

Patronage is a concept that dates back to ancient Rome where the wealthy funded the work of artists and architects. These patrons made possible some of greatest works of architecture ever constructed: the Pantheon, the Colosseum, the Forum among others.

Today we’re crowdsourcing patronage through platforms like Kickstarter and Patreon. This video is a humble request for your patronage to help me continue to make these weekly videos possible.

To date, I’ve recorded more than 120 videos. Each finished video ranges from between 3 和 15 mins, but takes between 4 和 5 hours to research, compile, record, interview, 编辑, format, produce and share. As a sole-proprietor, these tasks all fall to me to complete. I really enjoy producing the videos and the creative energy they demand, but your support is much appreciated!

You can help by becoming a Patron for my Patreon campaign here: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://

What is Patreon?

It’s like an ongoing Kickstarter, where you agree to leave a small ‘tipfor each video I create (up to a maximum of 4 per month). This helps offset software costs, some of the time it takes to make them, equipment, and Internet access (which on an island with only cell phones is not insignificant!)

Any help is greatly appreciated!

My Patreon campaign: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://


Please watch: “制作场地模型 – 前哨项目”



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