Precision and versatility, Bentwood Boxes of the Northwest Coast peoples

Three Bentwood Boxes (Totem Heritage Center, Ketchikan, Alaska):
• Bentwood box (Tlingit), 19世纪, 15.69 X 15 X 19.75 inches (box), 16.94 X 16 X 4.19 inches (lid)
• Bentwood box (Haida), 19世纪, 17.75 X 16.3 X 23.4 inches (box), Hydaburg, Alaska
• Bentwood box (Haida), 19世纪, 18.13 X 17.38 X 23. 65 inches (box), 19.88 X 17.88 X 4 inches (lid) Kasaan, Alaska

扬声器: Teresa DeWitt and Dr. Lauren Kilroy-Ewbank
A Seeing America video


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