Religion and intimacyBelievers tell what is permitted or not | Faith Love Desire (1/3)

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How can the anarchic power of sexuality be tamed when one is young? What is permitted and what is not? We hear the personal experiences of a conservative Muslima in Turkey, a Protestant girl in Germany, a Jewish courting couple in Israel and a Hindu from India before his wedding.

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The three-part series FAITH LOVE DESIRE explores this in five world religions: Christianity, 犹太教, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. We visit young and adult believers in Tel Aviv, Cologne, Beirut, 柏林, 伊斯坦布尔, Konya, New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangkok, revealing their pleasure and their conflict. A global odyssey charting a course between love’s intoxication and taboos and a fascinating exploration of life’s most intimate and beautiful side.

使用人类有史以来最大的机器: Faith Love DesireWorld religions and sexuality | 插曲 1: First Love
A Bildersturm Production
Film by Hilka Sinning, Heinz Greuling

2014 © First Hand Films 授权


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