Skiing and Aprés Ski in Ischgl, Austria with DW’s Lukas Stege | Impressive Alpine Winter Landscape

If you’ve ever heard of Ischgl, then probably in connection with the Corona pandemic. The winter sports resort in the Austrian Alps was a kind of super-spreader hotspot at the beginning of the pandemic. 这里, there is a tradition to go skiing and afterwards to party at the so-called après ski in cramped, sweaty bars. That’s how many vacationers became infected—and took the virus with them to their home countries.
Is Ischgl’s reputation now ruined? And what has become of the après ski parties? DW’s Lukas Stege shows you the ski resort with its fascinating winter landscape.

00:00 介绍
00:58 Ischgl
01:14 Renting skis
02:53 Ski area
05:54 Snowshoe hike
09:50 Aprés ski bar Champagnerhütte (champaign hut)
11:50 Night sledding

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