Stunning Heidelberg | Germany’s Most Beautiful University Cities Pt. 2

Tourists come to Heidelberg because of the famous castle, students because of the no less famous university. Whatever the reason, they all agree: Heidelberg is one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. From the castle to the Studentenkarzer — explore the city with Lukas Stege!

00:00 Intro at the Old Bridge
00:43 Heidelberg’s old town and the Neckar
01:52 Why students love Heidelberg
02:42 The Ruprecht Karl University
03:10 Meeting Ariel Noriega from Mexico, Philosophy student, visiting the campus
05:08 The historic auditorium
05:44 Caféteria Zeughaus, how to find accomodation
07:35 Heidelberg castle
08:35 Old student prison, Studentenkarzer
09:39 Meeting Áine Fellenz from Ireland, Politics student

報告: Lukas Stege, Kerstin Schmidt
Camera: Holm Weber
Editing: Andreas Hyronimus

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