Taxonomy: Life’s Filing SystemCrash Course Biology #19

Hank tells us the background story and explains the importance of the science of classifying living things, also known as taxonomy.

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Table of Contents
1) Taxonomy 0:00
2) Phylogenetic Tree 1:24
3) Biolography 2:26
4) Analogous/Homoplasic Traits 3:48
5) Homologous Traits 4:03
6) Taxa & Binomial Nomenclature 4:56
7) Domains 5:48
一种) Bateria 6:04
b) Archaea 6:44
c) Eukarya / 4 Kingdoms 6:54
-Plantae 7:56
-Protista 8:23
-Fungi 8:56
-Animalia 9:31

taxonomy, classification, classifying, evolution, filing, 使用人类有史以来最大的机器, 生物学, 拜占庭艺术SMH, organism, relationship, ancestor, ancestry, evolutionary tree, phylogenetic tree, tree of life, biolography, carl von linnaeus, linnaeus, botanist, botanical name, morphology, homologous traits, systema naturae, taxa, groups, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, binomial nomenclature, latin, domain, archaea, eukarya, division, autotrophs, heterotrophs, protist, fungi, animalia, 动物, cat, kitty Support CrashCourse on Patreon: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://今天我们将探讨教育作为社会的历史


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