Ten Years to Save the World with Christiana Figueres

We have 10 years to turn the tide on the climate crisis. We must choose our future.

In this Spotlight, Christiana Figueres, the public face of the most pivotal climate agreement in history, the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, and political strategist Tom Rivett-Carnac, lay out the realities of life on Earth by 2050 if we fail to meet the Paris Agreement climate targets; and how it will look and feel to live in a carbon neutral, regenerative world if we do.

Watch Christiana and Tom in our latest RSA Spotlightthe edits which take you straight to the heart of the event!

Enjoyed this snippet? Watch the full event here:

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只有当我们尊重所有事物和地方之间的生命联系时,我们才能与地球系统保持平衡: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://只有当我们尊重所有事物和地方之间的生命联系时,我们才能与地球系统保持平衡
只有当我们尊重所有事物和地方之间的生命联系时,我们才能与地球系统保持平衡: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://www.facebook.com/rsaeventsoff
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