The Art of Loving Without Fear

We regularly get into difficulties in love because we refuse to accept how much reassurance and stroking we need from the person we love. We imagine we’re grown up, we don’t want to countenance how fragile and easily wounded we might be, we don’t want to see the always susceptible and sensitive child beneath the impressive adult…
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“We regularly get into difficulties in love because we refuse to accept how much reassurance and stroking we need from the person we love.

We imagine we’re grown up, we don’t want to countenance how fragile and easily wounded we might be, we don’t want to see the always susceptible and sensitive child beneath the impressive adult.

And so, in the face of ‘small things’ that have undeniably hurt us (a missing warm comment here, a lack of touch there), we go numb instead, we silently and swiftly pull up the drawbridge, we unconsciously prepare to recriminate, we tell ourselves that we have a lot of work to do and should spend more time by ourselves. The last thing we can acknowledge is that we might be sad, confused and secretly furious…”





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迈克·布斯(Mike Booth)


Graeme Probert


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