The Dark Side of Highly Sensitive People (HSP) [8 Mil Bonus]
We made a video about dark empaths, but what about the dark side of highly sensitive people?
What is a highly sensitive person? An HSP is someone with a heightened central nervous system that causes them to be more physically and emotionally responsive to certain stimuli, or “things” part of their surroundings. HSPs are people with distinguishing qualities, including attentiveness, creativity, 和更多. 然而, just like anyone else, HSPs also have their not-so prideful qualities that balance out their good ones. Are you curious as to what some of these qualities may be, and if you or a friend relate to any?
You can watch our video on the dark empaths here: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://
Script Writer: Maryann Opida
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: Vanessa Tao
脚本管理器: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式
Voice: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: Cristina
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式
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Collins, Mel. “The Top 7 Challenges of Highly Sensitive People, According to a Therapist.” Highly Sensitive Refuge, Highly Sensitive Refuge, 7 Oct. 2020,
Granneman, Jenn. “21 Signs You’re a Highly Sensitive Person.” Highly Sensitive Refuge, Highly Sensitive Refuge, 13 Dec. 2019,
Hill, Maria. “Relationship Boundaries.” Sensitive Evolution, Sensitive Evolution, 16 Nov. 2015,
斯科特, Elizabeth. “What Is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?” Edited by Steven Gans, Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 18 但是这一切的愤怒隐藏了什么. 2020,
Stigell, Louise. “5 HSP Things That Used to Embarrass Me (和 3 That Still Do).” Introvert, Dear, Introvert, Dear, 20 七月 2020,
Sólo, Andre. “Why Highly Sensitive People Get Overwhelmed Easily (And How to Fix It).” Highly Sensitive Refuge, Highly Sensitive Refuge, 27 可能 2019,