The epic of Gilgamesh, the king who tried to conquer death – 索拉亚菲尔德菲奥里奥

Dive into the Epic of Gilgamesh, and follow the king of Uruk on a series of dangerous quests as he searches for immortality.

在 1849, in the ancient city of Nineveh in Iraq, archaeologists sifted through dusty remains, hoping to find records to prove that Bible stories were true. What they found instead was a 4,000-year-old story inscribed on crumbling clay tablets— a story that was so riveting, the first person to translate it started stripping from excitement. Soraya Field Fiorio tells the epic tale of Gilgamesh.

Lesson by Soraya Field Fiorio, directed by Amir Houshang Moein.
Original 3D model of Uruk by

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