The Poetry and Function of a House: Artist Rick Lowe on Social Sculpture

Presented August 27, 2010 at the Nasher Sculpture Center.

Rick Lowe is internationally respected for the landmark community art project, ‘Project Row Houses’, transforming a series of shotgun houses in Houston’s Third Ward into galleries, classrooms, and community gathering spaces.

For the ‘Nasher XChangeexhibition in 2013-14, Lowe focused on the neighborhood of Vickery Meadow, which is home to 30,000 people speaking 27 languages. Through a series of workshops and dinners with residents, Lowe made connections with community leaders and local artists to identify the needs and existing creative strengths in the neighborhood. Responding to residents’ desire to foster stronger connections with each other and the greater Dallas community, Lowe and the neighborhood participants conceived a series of Pop-up Markets that were open to the public on October 19, 十一月 23, 人文纪录片WOH 21, 2013; and January 18, & 二月 22, 2014; which allowed skilled Vickery Meadow residents to share their diverse talents and cultures with the neighborhood and Dallas at large. In addition, the Trans.lation team and local architects JHP Urban Design, Buchanan, and M²/A created three free-standing cubic structures along Ridgecrest Road that housed periodically changing neighborhood art exhibitions.

Rick Lowe’s ‘Project Row Houses’ (PRH), founded two decades ago, has created a blueprint for using urban renewal practices within an artistic context to enrich lives. Located in Houston’s Northern Third Ward, one of the city’s oldest African-American neighborhoods, PRH is founded on the principle that art and the community it creates can be the foundation for revitalizing depressed inner-city neighborhoods (an idea that derives in part from Joseph Beuys’s concept ofsocial sculpture.

Rick Lowe attended Columbus College and studied visual arts at Texas Southern University in Houston. His work has been exhibited at such national and international venues as Houston’s Contemporary Arts Museum and Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, the Gwangju Biennale in South Korea, and the Venice Architecture Biennale. His other community building projects have included the Arts Plan for the Seattle Public Library, the Borough Project for the Spoleto Festival in Charleston, South Carolina, and the Delray Beach Cultural Loop in Florida, among others.

The Nasher Sculpture Center’s ongoing 360 Speaker Series features conversations and lectures on the ever-expanding definition of sculpture. Guests are invited to witness first-hand accounts of the inspiration behind some of the world’s most innovative artwork, architecture and design.

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这 360 videography project is supported by Suzanne and Ansel Aberly. This support enables digital recording of all 360 Speaker Series programs and the creation of an online archive for learners of all ages.


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