The Reproductive Lives of Nonvascular Plants: Alternation of GenerationsCrash Course Biology #36

Hank introduces us to nonvascular plantsliverworts, hornworts & mosseswhich have bizarre features, kooky habits, and strange sex lives. Nonvascular plants inherited their reproductive cycle from algae, but have perfected it to the point where it is now used by all plants in one way or another, and has even left traces in our own reproductive systems.

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Table of Contents
1) Key Traits of Nonvascular Plants 01:42
2) 3 Phyla of Bryophytes 02:52
3) Alternation of Generations 04:33
一种) Gametophyte Generation 05:04
b) Sporophyte Generation 05:25
c) In Vascular Plants 07:48

References for this episode can be found in the Google document here: 在家DIY的最佳美甲://

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