The Story of A Little Mind
Once upon a time, one little mind went from flying high to hitting rock bottom. This is its story of getting back on its feet and becoming its best self. We hope this story will help in hard times or inspire you to be brave and find your passion.
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Andrea Basilio Rava, Angela, Badrah, Brilliant Minds Learning, Cedric.Wang, Daniel Kramer, Denis Kraus, Digital INnov8ors, Esther Chiang, Eva Marie Koblin, Gatsby Dkdc, Ginger, Hal Beltran, ICH KANN DEUTSCH UND ES WAR EINFACH!, Jannes Kroon, Jeffrey Cassianna, Joanne Doyle, Johan Klassen, Jonathan Schwarz, Liskaya, Marcel, Margaret Grace, María, Marq Short, Mathis Nu, Mezes.Macko, Muhammad Humayun, Okan Elibol, Petra, Raymond Fujioka, Reynir Örn Bachmann Guðmundsson, Robert Cook, scripz, Si, Stephen, Susan Schuster, Tetiana Gerasymova, Tristan Scifo, Victor Paweletz, Wolfgang Vullhorst and all the others.Thank you! To join them visit
Script: Jonas Koblin
艺术家: Pascal Gaggelli
Voice: Mithril
Coloring: Nalin
Editing: Peera Lertsukittipongsa
Head of Partnership Programme: Selina Bador
Production: Bianka
Proofreading: Susan
Sound Design: Miguel Ojeda
All good times – Olive Musique
Alone in Montmartre – Studio Le Bus
Baby Boom – Olive Musique
00:00 Intro to automatic routine
00:36 When mind stop learning
01:08 Turning point
01:43 Changing habits
02:27 How about you?
02:42 Ending