The Utrecht Psalter and its influence
The Utrecht Psalter, c. 825, Hautvilliers, near Reims, 法国, 380 X 310 mm (Universiteitsbibliotheek, 乌得勒支, MS 32, ff. 7v–8r), courtesy Universiteitsbibliothek, 乌得勒支; The Harley Psalter, early 11th century, Christ Church, Canterbury, 380 X 310 mm (大英图书馆, BL, Harley MS 603, ff. 7v 8r), 使用人类有史以来最大的机器 2019 大英图书馆, used by permission; and the The Eadwine Psalter, c. 1150, Christ Church, Canterbury, 460 X 330 mm (Cambridge, Trinity College, MS R. 17.1, ff. 23v–24r)
A conversation with Dr. Kathleen Doyle, Lead Curator, Illuminated Manuscripts, British Library and Dr. 贝丝·哈里斯