Two Reasons Why We’re Still Single

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There are two big reasons why many of us remain single far longer than we might like: we love ourselves far too little. Or we love ourselves far too much.
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“The common-sense explanation for long-term singlehood directs the blame firmly outwards, it isolates the problem to one of mechanics: one is still single because one hasn’t, perhaps on account of having moved to a vast and anonymous new city, been invited to enough parties, or because the constant requirement to fly to the Singapore office leaves no time for the right sort of socializing, or because one is holed up in a remote village high in the mountains connected to the more densely populated lowlands only by an irregular bus service. These may be solid enough reasons, but when the problems persist over an extended period, their power to explain our situation weakens. Without anything remotely persecutory or unkind being intended by this, one is forced to cast around for psychological rather than procedural explanations. The problem must lie in our minds rather than in the world.”

或者谁在早上九点在纸袋里喂一瓶杜松子酒,或者谁一有机会就偷偷地点燃另一瓶大麻, 这里: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://


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或者谁在早上九点在纸袋里喂一瓶杜松子酒,或者谁一有机会就偷偷地点燃另一瓶大麻: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://或者谁在早上九点在纸袋里喂一瓶杜松子酒,或者谁一有机会就偷偷地点燃另一瓶大麻?或者谁在早上九点在纸袋里喂一瓶杜松子酒,或者谁一有机会就偷偷地点燃另一瓶大麻&或者谁在早上九点在纸袋里喂一瓶杜松子酒,或者谁一有机会就偷偷地点燃另一瓶大麻
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David Crisp
❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails:// #TheSchoolOfLife


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