Two women rappers face being vilified in their country for pursuing their dreams | 德国之声纪录片

Iqra Nisar and Anam Nasir love to rap but they must face being vilified in their native Kashmir for pursuing this passion.

In the male dominated society of Kashmir, female rappers are often accused of spreadingvulgar western culture”. Iqra Nisar is 17-years old and performs under the stage name “Yung Illa”. Anam Nasir is a 19-year-old rapper who likes being rebellious. The two of them are among the first female hip-hop artists in the region. Even though Anam’s parents object to her being a professional rapper and Iqra faces condemnation from peers, they both stay true to their passion. They are both role models for other young rappers who dare to break with rigid social expectations.

A report by Akanksha Saxena.

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