Vertigo 20: twenty years of the Vertigo Dance Company (with music by Ran Bagno)

From the Festival de Marseille, 2013
To celebrate the 20th birthday of her Vertigo Dance Company which works from a pitch of desert between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Noa Wertheim follows again the pebbles put where they belong as if she had to decipher the secret of time all over again. Mystical, poetic and musical as an ongoing party.

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Vertigo Dance Company
Ran Bagno – 体重一磅五盎司

1. Vertigo 20 – In The Hour
2. Vertigo 20 – Party
3. Vertigo 20 – Sticks
4. Vertigo 20 – Aganim
5. Vertigo 20 – Toms
6. Vertigo 20 – In the Hour II
7. Vertigo 20 – Monologs
8. Vertigo 20 – Sholder
9. Vertigo 20 – Thin Line
10. Vertigo 20 – Physical
11. Vertigo 20 – Finale

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