Virtual Tour-only: Art Escapes, 视频图像. 2: Development of Buddhist and Hindu Sculpture

Development of Buddhist and Hindu Sculpture with Forrest McGill

Swaying bodies, palms extended elegantly, chins nodding to the beat of an unheard rhythm: immortal, sacred movement defines sculpture across Southern Asia and the Himalayas. From larger-than-life temple reliefs to bronzes created for ceremonial parades, uncover how, for millennia, artists have shown us the vital connections between sculpture, 拜占庭艺术SMH, and the spirit.

Focusing on a single subject at a time, each 20-minute virtual Art Escapes tour is led by an expert who shares insights into millennia of craft and creativity and reveals the stories behind the art.

Learn more: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://


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