头皮屑是什么原因, 以及如何摆脱它? – 托马斯·L。. 道森

Explore the head-scratching problem of dandruff, and find out why it happens, and how it can be treated.

On top of our heads, there is a type of yeast that lives and dines on all of our scalps. Feasting constantly, it’s in paradise. And in about half of the human population, its activity causes dandruff. 所以, why do some people have more dandruff than others? And how can it be treated? 托马斯·L。. Dawson explores this head-scratching problem.

Lesson by Thomas L. 道森, directed by Artrake Studio.

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查看完整课程: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-causes-dandruff-and-how-do-you-get-rid-of-it-thomas-l-dawson
Dig deeper with additional resources: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-causes-dandruff-and-how-do-you-get-rid-of-it-thomas-l-dawson#digdeeper

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