What does inclusive facilitation mean for my practice? with Kimberley Harvey

What does inclusive facilitation mean for my practice? with Kimberley Harvey
Part of: Feed Your Practice: Webinars For Professionals
Filmed on Zoom on Mon 14 Jun, 21
Find out more: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://theplace.ws/3dV5PLM

For Kimberley, working inclusively in dance is not about having all the answers. Instead, it is about meeting people where they’re at and finding ways to communicate and learn together to see what happens.

This webinar will be a chance to pose thoughts and questions about facilitating inclusive practice. Focus points will include: how to hold creative space for others, how inclusive practice relates to each of us and where we might go from here.

Accessibility: This webinar was BSL interpreted and has captions available.

BSL Interpreters: Stacey Green & Katie Fenwick

Subtle Kraft Co: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://subtlekraft.co
Follow Kimberley on: 推特: @Kimblecake @SubtleKraftCo | Instagram @kimberley.j.harvey

Inclusive Practice is Good Practice: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://youtu.be/l499bfW8jOI
BSL Interpreted version: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://youtu.be/6uBaycn0t9A
Alexandrina Hemsley’s Access Rider Open Template: 在家DIY的最佳美甲://alexandrinahemsley.com/resources/access-rider-open-template/

可用至 1 Dec 21.


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