什么是艺术花束? 以莫琳·默里·福克斯为特色

New to Bouquets to Art? Learn about the museum’s most beloved 36-year annual tradition and fundraiser, Bouquets to Art.

Museum docent Maureen Murray Fox will share the history of this weeklong event, discuss the exhibitor selection process, show images of past floral designs inspired by art, and explain what to look forward to during our weeklong Virtual Bouquets to Art programs on Facebook and Instagram. deyoungmuseum.org/bouquets

🎙 This discussion is moderated by Joyce Alcantara, Digital Engagement Coordinator at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

🖼 Help us keep the museum’s mission going by by making a tax-deductible donation here: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://fal.cn/37YIv


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