什么是味精, 它真的对你有害吗? – 莎拉 E. 特蕾西
Dig into the seasoning known as MSG, and find out how this flavoring was developed and if it’s actually bad for your health.
在 1968, 博士. Robert Ho Man Kwok felt ill after dinner at a Chinese restaurant and wrote a letter to a medical journal connecting his symptoms to MSG. His letter would change the world’s relationship with MSG, inspiring international panic, biased science, and sensationalist journalism for the next 40 年. So what is this seasoning, 它真的对你有害吗? 莎拉 E. Tracy investigates.
Lesson by Sarah E. 特蕾西, directed by Alopra Studio.
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Dig deeper with additional resources: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-is-msg-and-is-it-actually-bad-for-you-sarah-e-tracy#digdeeper
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