What is the Sun Made Of? – Christmas Lectures with James Jackson
What is the sun made of? And can the answers we find there help us figure out what’ deep inside our own planet – Earth?
Watch the full first lecture of the series: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://www.rigb.org/christmas-lectures/watch/1995/planet-earth-an-explorers-guide/on-the-edge-of-the-world?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_term=description
James Jackson gave the 1995 Christmas Lectures “Planet Earth: An Explorer’s Guide” about the inner workings of planet Earth.
The first lecture “On the Edge of the World”, where this clip is from, looks into the indirect methods and tools we have at our disposal to work out what our planet is made of.
Watch the full series:
Christmas Lectures are a popular children’s science show broadcast every year on the BBC. As such they fall under YouTube’s ‘Made for Kids’ 类别, which means that some common features are disabled on this video, such as comments, cards and end screens.
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