Why it Probably Wasn’t Better Being Single

We have a very unhelpful tendency – when in relationships – to idealise what it was like being single. We should learn how to bear proper witness to our single days. 如果你喜欢我们的电影, 看看我们的商店 (我们在全球范围内发货): ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://goo.gl/jFQoVH
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“One of the haunting thoughts that can make us especially snappy and bitter in relationships is the idea that if only we were single, we would be a lot happier. In love, we are so conscious of the troubles of our present lives, we are naturally drawn to look back and remember the nicer aspects of solitude. We remember being able to get up whenever we wanted; we recall not having to fret about where we threw things. We remember how inoffensive our own bad habits were when we were the only ones to witness them. We recall not having to justify our meal choices, however eccentric; we could go out somewhere and never tell anyone; we could (when we felt like it) work through till 2 是. without being accused of being obsessive or cold. We could have hope for a better future…”
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Alexandra Balan
在家DIY的最佳美甲://www.sashaanimates.com/ #TheSchoolOfLife


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