Why Love Involves Teaching

We often equate true love with being accepted ‘for who we really are’. But given how many flaws we all have, true love has to include a process of mutual education we would be wise to accept with good grace. 如果你喜欢我们的电影, 看看我们的商店 (我们在全球范围内发货): ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://goo.gl/vLHXli
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“One of the most delightful and thrilling aspects of the early days of a love affair is the sense that our lover likes us not only for our obvious qualities – perhaps our looks, or our professional accomplishments – but also, and far more touchingly, for our less impressive sides: our vulnerabilities, our hesitations, our flaws. Perhaps they are particularly taken by the gap between our two front teeth which, while it wouldn’t impress an orthodontist, charms them distinctly. Or perhaps they are taken by our shyness at busy parties or are powerfully drawn to that old pair of pyjamas with the bear prints which we put on on cold winter nights and which would win no fashion award…”

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Brett Underhill
在家DIY的最佳美甲://www.porkchopbob.com/ #TheSchoolOfLife


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