你为什么要读威廉·戈尔丁的《蝇王》? – 吉尔达什
Explore William Golding’s timeless satire, “Lord of the Flies,” which follows a group of shipwrecked boys as they descend into anarchy.
After witnessing the atrocities of his fellow man in World War II, William Golding was losing his faith in humanity. Later, during the Cold War, as superpowers began threatening one another with nuclear annihilation, he was forced to interrogate the very roots of human nature and violence. These musings would inspire his first novel: “Lord of the Flies.” Jill Dash dives into the timeless satire.
Lesson by Jill Dash, directed by Lucy Animation Studio.
Animator’s website: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://www.silviaprietov.com
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