Why We Should Treat Our Partners Like Small Children

It seems like the height of patronising behaviour to look at an adult as if they were a child. But it can also be deeply sympathetic and generous. 如果你喜欢我们的电影, 看看我们的商店 (我们在全球范围内发货): ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://goo.gl/hh7ADz

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Small children sometimes behave in stunningly unfair and shocking ways: they scream at the person who is looking after them, angrily push away a bowl of animal pasta, throw away something you have just fetched for them. But we rarely feel personally agitated or wounded by their behaviour. And the reason is that we don’t assign a negative motive or mean intention to a small person. We reach around for the most benevolent interpretations. We don’t think they are doing it in order to upset us. We probably think that they are getting a bit tired, or their gums are sore or they are upset by the arrival of a younger sibling. We’ve got a large repertoire of alternative explanations ready in our heads – and none of these lead us to panic or get terribly agitated…”

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Alex Morris
在家DIY的最佳美甲://pinvin.com/ #TheSchoolOfLife


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