🇺🇸Dream for a City | Witness

Dream for a City is an inside look at how Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson and her team are working to keep Martin Luther King’s dream alive in Gary, Indiana.
This is a story that will connect the humanitarian, spiritual and social justice principals that Dr King preached with a city whose mayor and senior team openly embrace his teachings as a way to bring positive change to a devastated city.
Freeman is the first black woman to be elected mayor in Gary. We will join them as her as she works to turn the fate and fortunes of her city around. This will be seen through the prism of raising support in her community for a legislative bill she is pushing through the Indiana State Legislature. It will give Gary an important step towards rising out of debt, poverty, violence and despair by providing economic opportunities for its citizens. The bill is a core element of the plan to revive their city. Without it the future of the city, and the mayor’s vision for the future of her city may be a dream that dies.

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