13 Misconceptions About Global Warming

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Common misconceptions about climate change.
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References below:

For CO2, sea levels, Arctic sea ice, Antarctic and Greenland land ice:

Satellite data shows that ground-based stations underestimate recent warming: Cowtan and Way, 2014

For papers published on climate change during the 1970’s, see Peterson, 2008

For solar and temperature data see NASA GISS,
PMOD: http://www.acrim.com/tsi%20monitoring.htm
Krivova et al. 2007:

CO2 ratio of Carbon-13:Carbon-12 decreasing. IPCC AR4:

CO2 emitted by volcanoes vs by humans: Gerlach, 2011
www.agu.org/pubs/pdf/2011eo240001.pdf Gerlach

Mauna Loa CO2 data: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/

Rising atmospheric water vapour: Santer, 2007

A doubling of CO2 will likely lead to a 3C increase in global temperatures according to many independent pieces of evidence:
Knutti & Hegerl, 2008

Great resource on Milankovitch cycles:

CO2 lags temperature rise in the southern hemisphere but leads the global average temperature rise, Shakun et al. 2012

Music by Kevin McLeod, http://incompetech.com Songs: Hidden Agenda, Sneaky Snitch, Harlequin

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