2015國際華人紀錄片影展 │以詩紀年Invisible

以詩紀年 Invisible
波蘭 Poland︱2014︱22 min︱Zofia PREGOWSKA

2014 波蘭克拉考國際影展
2014 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片電影節

90-year-old Krystyna lives in the tiny apartment surrounded by books and writing pads. That’s remarkable in itself since Krystyna is almost blind, but that doesn’t stop this still vital woman from writing passionate and eloquent poetry that celebrates life. In the meantime, she is preparing for an important journey to a declamation contest where she hopes to share her poems with the audience.
9/22(二) 17:10華山一廳︱9/24(四) 16:00華山二廳

2015 CNEX 紀錄片影展 ‪#‎忐忑流年‬
9/18(五) – 9/27(日) ‪#‎光點華山電影館‬
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