2015國際華人紀錄片影展 │嗶聲之後 Beep
嗶聲之後 Beep
南韓 South Korea︱2014︱10 min︱KIM Kyung-man
2014 多倫多國際影展
Beep consists of anti-communist film footage from the 60s until 80s. Kyungman Kim uses various newsreels, archival footage and dramatizations that were all commissioned and produced by national institutions in South Korea to give a fascinating overview of the influence of propaganda and media on political perceptions.
9/21(一) 17:55 華山二廳︱9/23(三) 13:40 華山二廳︱9/25(五) 13:10華山二廳
2015 CNEX 紀錄片影展 #忐忑流年
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