2015國際華人紀錄片影展 │奶奶的甜蜜日常A Wee Night In

奶奶的甜蜜日常 A Wee Night In
蘇格蘭 Scotland︱2014︱11 min︱Stuart EDWARDS

2014 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片電影節 最佳學生紀錄片提名
2015 格拉斯哥短片影展
2015 烏克蘭國際影展

Chrissy was a sickly child, so no one expected her to live to a ripe old age. Nevertheless, this Scottish woman is now 95, frail but full of life. From her house in a village near Glasgow, she engages in activities that keep her active and involved with life. Today, Chrissy’s 91-year-old boyfriend Bill is coming over for a nice evening that will pass by according to the slow rhythm of age.
9/22(二) 17:10華山一廳︱9/24(四) 16:00華山二廳

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