2015國際華人紀錄片影展 │姊妹們的午茶時光TEA TIME

姊妹們的午茶時光 Tea Time
智利 Chile︱2014︱70 min︱Maite ALBERDI

2015 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片電影節
2015 邁阿密國際影展

Six elderly friends gather to have tea religiously once a month since sixty years ago. In these meetings they find themselves and have fallouts, they reminisce about their common past and try to demonstrate their validity, ignoring for a minute the ailments that afflict them. Afternoons go by but it seems as though time stands still, but it’s presence is felt because they slowly disappear.
9/22(二) 17:10華山一廳︱9/24(四) 16:00華山二廳

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