2015國際華人紀錄片影展 │我gay掰嗎? Do I Sound Gay?

我Gay掰嗎? Do I Sound Gay?
美國 USA︱2014︱77 min︱David THORPE

2014多倫多國際影展 觀眾票卷獎第二名
2014 DOC NYC紐約紀錄片影展
2015 Outfest洛杉磯同志影展

Journalist David Thorpe embarks on a hilarious and touching journey, confronting his anxiety about “sounding gay” with comprehensively exploring the linguistic, cultural and historical origins of the stereotype of the gay voice. Featuring Tim Gunn, David Sedaris, George Takei, and Dan Savage, Do I Sound Gay? combines the right amount of humor and personal stories to finally give a gay voice to a societal taboo about not wanting one.
9/18 (五) 20:10 華山一廳︱9/23(三) 20:20 華山一廳

2015 CNEX 紀錄片影展 ‪#‎忐忑流年‬
9/18(五) – 9/27(日) ‪#‎光點華山電影館‬
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