2015國際華人紀錄片影展 │蒼白正義 David & Me

蒼白正義 David & Me
加拿大Canada︱2014︱79 min︱Ray KLONSKY, Marc LAMY

2014加拿大Hot Docs國際紀錄片影展

Despite a mountain of evidence that should exonerate David, or at least grant him a new trial, Ray and the pro-bono team are stymied by a justice system that is not designed to free the wrongly convicted. When news of a DNA match that fingers a new suspect surfaces, the team thinks justice will finally be served. But they quickly learn their fight has only just begun.
9/21(一) 17:55華山二廳︱9/23(三) 13:40 華山二廳︱9/25(五) 13:10華山二廳

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