2015國際華人紀錄片影展 │青春嘻哈團HIP HOP ERATION

青春嘻哈團Hip Hop-Eration
紐西蘭 New Zealand︱2014︱93 min︱Bryn EVANS

2014 紐西蘭電影奬最佳紀錄片、最佳紀錄片導演、最佳紀錄片攝影
2014 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片電影節
2015 聖塔芭芭拉國際影展 觀眾票選獎

These senior citizens may each be almost a century young, but for Kara, Maynie, and Terri the journey to Las Vegas and the World Hip Hop Dance Championships is just the beginning of a life’s journey. Along with twenty-four other nonagenarians, they defy the odds and hip-hop their way into the hearts and minds of young fans from around the world as they learn to throw away their wheelchairs and walking sticks and push their bodies and artificial joints to the absolute limits of old age.
9/18(五) 20:35華山二廳︱9/24(四) 13:00華山一廳

2015 CNEX 紀錄片影展 ‪#‎忐忑流年‬
9/18(五) – 9/27(日) ‪#‎光點華山電影館‬
▲ 國泰民安套票 ▲ 8張 800元 + 多項好禮
物美價廉 ► http://goo.gl/QXZFGk
▲ 風調雨順套票 ▲ 4張 420元
清爽無負擔 ► http://goo.gl/pa5vmw

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