2015國際華人紀錄片影展 │ 時尚代價 The True Cost

時尚代價 The True Cost
英國 UK︱2015︱92 min︱Andrew MORGAN

2015 墨爾本環境影展
2015 愛丁堡國際時尚展


It is a shocking expose on the hidden cost of the “fast fashion” phenomena, which has led to record low wages and lax standards, resulting in deadly consequences for some of the millions of people working in the fashion industry. Featuring Livia Firth, Stella McCartney and other fashion world icons, the groundbreaking documentary pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider, who really pays the price for our clothing?
9/19(六) 12:45華山一廳︱9/24 (四) 11:10 華山二廳|9/27(日)15:30華山一廳

2015 CNEX 紀錄片影展 ‪#‎忐忑流年‬
9/18(五) – 9/27(日) ‪#‎光點華山電影館‬
▲ 國泰民安套票 ▲ 8張 800元 + 多項好禮
物美價廉 ► http://goo.gl/QXZFGk
▲ 風調雨順套票 ▲ 4張 420元
清爽無負擔 ► http://goo.gl/pa5vmw

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