2015國際華人紀錄片影展 │Listen, Darling

Listen, Darling
台灣 Taiwan︱2013︱12 min︱蘇明彥SU Ming-Yen

2014 高雄電影節國際短片競賽 優選
2014 南方影展全球華人影片競賽 勇於創新獎
2015 金穗獎最佳紀錄片 入圍
2015 台北電影節最佳紀錄 入圍

It’s Mom’s birthday today. Li Si-yong, who is completely blind, is taking his visually impaired wife Wu Wen-ru and their unborn child to pick up mom’s birthday cake. The couple wander in the streets and ruins of the city, trying to piece together the fragmented memories of their past while looking forward to the arrival of a new family member.
9/18(五) 17:40 華山二廳︱9/25(五) 13:25 華山一廳|9/26(六) 13:20 華山一廳*映後座談

2015 CNEX 紀錄片影展 ‪#‎忐忑流年‬
9/18(五) – 9/27(日) ‪#‎光點華山電影館‬
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