25 Dance and Gymnastics Rolls | Choreography and Movement Inspiration

I loving rolling all over the floor! This was a fun dance video to make. There are soooo many more dance rolls, but this is a great start for a dance teacher, acro teacher, or gymnastics coach who needs some choreographic inspiration.

ALSO! I included some clips from older performances. I used to be so much more flexible and limber! But your never too old to learn dance/acro and never to get it back. 💪

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✨Connect With ME✨

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dancedeja/​
Dancer/Teacher Blog: https://www.dancedeja.com/​

Music Credit:

Moose: https://www.bensound.com

Email: info@dancdeja.com


Liability Disclaimer

Do not attempt any skills you’re not qualified to safely execute.
dancedeja is not liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video. You are performing these dance exercises at your own risk.
Using a dance ribbon can result in injury or harm.
Practice with caution and following standard exercise safety techniques and procedures.

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