7 Architecture Facts pt.38 | Modern, Column, Ionic, & Baseboard

This is a video about 7 facts in architecture. They are as follows; In classical design a pediment is the roof structure directly over the entablature. The origin of the triangular shape is, of course, a simple gable roof structure, although decorative pediments also come in a wide variety of shapes; The baseboard, also called the base molding, is a board that covers the gap between the finish floor material and the wall surface. The baseboard can be as simple as a single board and as elaborate as a number of moldings assembled together; The diameter of a classical column is larger at the bottom than the top, and the lower middle portion of the shaft bulges out slightly. This technique is called entasis and it’s done in order to make the column look like it’s supporting something or load bearing; The origins of the Greek Ionic order are the Ionian Greeks of the mid 6th century BCE. What makes the Ionic column unusual is the volute or spiraling capital. Ionic columns typically include vertical fluting; Two words that are often confused are mullion and muntin. A Mullion is a vertical or horizontal structural divider that separates a window or opening. A muntin, on the other hand, is typically smaller and separates objects within an opening or window, like panes of glass; Round architectural columns and square piers are stand alone (freestanding) elements. If a classical column is split and attached to a wall it’s called an engaged column. When the same is done to a classical pier it’s called a pilaster; The Modern Movement in architecture ushered in a new era of style and form. One marked by asymmetry. And today, asymmetrical buildings are very common. In architecture, the word asymmetrical describes a building that is dissimilar at either side of a central axis.

This is a video series about facts in architecture. The 15 second videos featured in the series are created by Doug and posted every day on his Instagram account @dougpatt.


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