“Art and the Banal: The Pop Era” Presented by Claudia Calirman

“Art and the Banal: The Pop Era” was presented by Claudia Calirman on June 18, 2015 during the “Wild Noise: Art in Times of Change” panel at El Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Havana organized by The Bronx Museum of the Arts.

Claudia Calirman—a curator and professor at John Jay College, CUNY specializing in Latin American, modern, and contemporary art—explores the contested field of American Pop art and its association with consumer society and a new drive towards cosmopolitanism and internationalization. Calirman will use works by Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg to demonstrate some of the pivotal responses to the movement from across the globe.

The symposium “Wild Noise: Art in Times of Change” is made possible through support from the Terra Foundation for American Art, Blake Grossman, and Michelle Richards. Special thanks to Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.

For more information on “Wild Noise,” visit www.bronxmuseum.org/events/wild-noise-art-in-times-of-change

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