Artists’ Representation on Boards with Harold Offeh
Artists’ Representation on Boards with Harold Offeh
Part of: Feed Your Practice: Webinars For Professionals
Filmed on Zoom on Mon 28 Jun, 21
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In the session artist Harold Offeh draws on his own experience as a trustee of several arts organisations to talk about the role of artists on boards, and his most recent experience working with Joe Moran and the Dance Art Foundation.
The session outlines the basic legal and governance responsibilities of a trustee/board position. Through further questions and answers the session will explore the growing need for artist representation on institutional boards. In addition to debates around paying artists to be on boards and other models like artists advisory boards, sub-committees and board banks.
Accessibility: This webinar will be BSL interpreted and have live captions available.
BSL Interpreters: Stacey Green & Erin Siobhan Hutching
Available until 1 Dec 21.