Episode 3: Repression

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Description: Repression
“That’s something that I’ve done? I don’t to remember that at all!”
The word repression has made a career for itself: even in our everyday language we speak of repressed feelings and memories. But what is it really all about? Is it true that one can really completely repress basic experiences? What role does repression play in our mental life and in therapy? This episode digs into the dark chambers of the psyche.

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Literature Recommendations:

Akhtar, S. (2020). Repression: A Critical Assessment and Update of Freud’s 1915 Paper. Am J Psychoanal 80, 241–258.
Billig, M. (1999). Freudian repression: Conversation creating the unconscious. Camebridge: Camebridge U.P.
Bion, W. R. (1959). Attacks on linking. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 40, 308–315.
Boag, S. (2011). Freudian Repression, the Unconscious, and the Dynamics of Inhibition. London: Routledge.
Cohen, J., & Kinston, W. (1984). Repression theory: A new look at the cornerstone. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 65, 411–422.
Freud, S. (1915). Repression. Standard Edition (V 14, 141–158). London: Hogarth.
Garssen, B. (2007). Repression: Finding Our Way in the Maze of Concepts. J Behav Med, 30, 6, 471–481.
Kinston, W., & Cohen, J. (1986). Primal repression: Clinical and theoretical aspects. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 67, 337–353
Sandler J., Sandler AM. (1994) The past unconscious and the present unconscious. A contribution to a technical frame of reference. Psychoanal Study Child. 49, 278–92.

Speakers: Soliman Lawrence & Rebecca Dyson-Smith
Translation: Soliman Lawrence

Written and produced by Dr. Cécile Loetz & Dr. Jakob Johann Müller
contact: lives@psy-cast.org
#Psychoanalysis #Repression #Psychotherapy

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