Episode 7: Is Psychoanalysis Scientific?
Description: Is Psychoanalysis Scientific?
Psychoanalysis is an exotic resident in the house of science. A wide variety of disciplines have borrowed from it, from neuroscience to the social sciences, to art and literature. At the same time, it has often been confronted with the accusation of being unscientific. We will dedicate two episodes of our podcast to just this question. In the first episode, we look at the scientific status of psychoanalysis.
This podcast is a labor of love and pursues neither commercial nor institutional interests. Our goal is to make knowledge about mental illness, psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis freely accessible to all.
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Literature Recommendations:
Speakers: Soliman Lawrence & Rebecca Dyson-Smith
Translation: Soliman Lawrence
Written and produced by Dr. Cécile Loetz & Dr. Jakob Johann Müller
Contact: lives@psy-cast.org
#Psychoanalysis #MentalHealth #Psychotherapy