Factitecture ebook | 366 Facts about Architecture
This video is about a fact based video series about architecture I made in 2017. Once complete the series included 366 short videos. I posted one a day for one year on Instagram and a compilation of 7 videos once a week on YouTube for a total of 52. The playlist is called Facitecture | 366 facts about architecture. I’ve been asked a number of times over the last few years to put together a resource that included all the facts in one place. And that’s what I’ve done. My website, how to architect, now features a short 25 question quiz that highlights a few facts plus a 193 page ebook that includes the original illustrations, images and facts from 2017 series. The ebook is available in PDF plus forms viewable on kindle, reader apps, apple iPad, android devices or in desktop applications. Just go to howtoarchitect.com (https://howtoarchitect.com/factitecture-book-page/) and check it out. I’m Doug Patt. We’ll see you next time.