Jean Shin | Pause

Using discarded cell phones and computer cables as the material and rough-hewn rocks from Chinese art as the form, Jean Shin’s site-specific installation asks how technological innovation contributes to climate change. On view at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco from Feb. 6 to May 24, 2020. For more info:

Jean Shin | Pause is organized by the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco. This exhibition is a part of the Asian American Experience, which is made possible with the generous support of Glen S. and Sakie T. Fukushima, an anonymous donor in memory of Ambassador and Mrs. Sampson Shen, and Claudine Cheng. Materials for this exhibition are provided by GreenCitizen, making every day earth day.

Sustained support generously provided by the following endowed funds:
Akiko Yamazaki and Jerry Yang Endowment Fund for Exhibitions
Kao/Williams Contemporary Art Exhibitions Fund

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