Learn Ribbon Dancing 101 (Rhythmic Gymnastics Inspired)

This video contains everything you need to know about basic ribbon dance skills.

Fun Fact: Ribbon dance has 11 skill categories.

Dance Steps
Transfers, balances, rotations, jumps/leaps,
and acrobatic feats.

We will review and demo the 11 basic ribbon dance skill categories and dance steps such as arm circles, body waves, ribbon twisters, and more.

This video is perfect for teachers seeking lesson plan ideas and dancers looking to learn a fun new style of dance.
This video is also great for adults who want to learn an art form similar to rhythmic gymnastics.

I created this video and ribbon dance system based on my knowledge of dance, gymnastics, and exercise science.
The terminology used in this video is a mixture of dance terms, rhythmic gymnastics terms, and original terminology.

If you would like a more in-depth tutorial for ribbon dance/gymnastics, please let me know.

Other Ribbon Dance Videos:

100 Ribbon Dance Skills

6 Traveling Ribbon Dance Steps

Tips for Picking Ribbon Dance Songs

Thanks, please practice safety when dancing.

Email: info@dancdeja.com


Liability Disclaimer
Do not attempt any skills you’re not qualified to safely execute.
dancedeja is not liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this video. You are performing these dance exercises at your own risk.
Using a dance ribbon can result in injury or harm.
Practice with caution and following stand exercise safety technique and procedures.

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