MAEP exhibition – A Constant Line

June 19–August 9, 2009
Minnesota Artists Exhibition Gallery

The sculptures of Cheryle Melander and Don Myhre explore memory and the ways we contextualize the past in the present.

Melander’s work investigates involuntary memory, which emphasizes the symbiotic relationship of body and mind. Through repetition, non-linear narratives, and patterns, she creates meditative environments that evaluate time. Constructing landscapes, she explores the possibility that genetically transferred memories and behaviors could be rediscovered and found through a methodology of free association.

Myhre’s work is made to prompt memory of a witnessed event by building an object to commemorate its importance. They are self-made souvenirs that authenticate an experience and allow embellishment of specific aspects of each occurrence. Carefully chosen materials, objects, and processes make a clear representation, but the resulting piece is usually a nostalgic replica rather than a factually correct object.

The Minnesota Artist Exhibition Program (MAEP) is made possible by a generous grant from the Jerome Foundation.

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