MAEP Exhibition – Holy Land and Sin and Guilt

Holy Land, Photographs by Sara Belleau and Sin and Guilt, Paintings by Nancy Robinson

Friday, April 3, 2009—Sunday, May 31, 2009
Minnesota Artists Exhibition Gallery

Sara Belleau and Nancy Robinson tap myth and folklore archetypes to tell tales both personal and universal.

Belleaus photographs capture hand-painted backgrounds and constructed sets that conjure elaborate tales. Her Holy Land series brings ancient stories from the Bible, Torah, and Qur’an to life in a modern Minnesota vernacular. Drawing on stories from these texts, she explores shared traditions and cultures juxtaposed against the complicated political/social present.

Robinsons boldly colored self-portraits create a stage in which she stars as a variety of iconic characters both humorous and surrealistic. In each character she embodies a distilled memory that transforms her life story into fable.

The Minnesota Artist Exhibition Program (MAEP) is made possible by a generous grant from the Jerome Foundation.

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